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How to pay WhatsApp using Paypal using your PC (without installing any application)

Do you want to pay WhatsApp using Paypal (or by Google wallet). Here you can find the fastest and safest way to do it!

Step 1

Write your phone number (including the prefix).

For instance, my number (not real) is 666777888 from Spain (prefix code: 34), so my phone number is: 34666777888

Step 2

Using a service such as to generate the result to apply the algorithm MD5 to your phone number + 'abc'

For example, the result of the algorithm over my number + abc (34666777888abc) is "b433724338aca10b4df45d4f150d2bc9"

Step 3

Create the web address (pay attention that the website is directly the WhatsApp website{your phone number}&cksum={the result of the algorithm}

In this example 

Step 4 

Select PayPal service to pay your WhatsApp fee. 

Step 5

Pay :) 

Step 6

That's all. You can continue using your WhatsApp, Wassap, Wassup o Watsap, Wasap ..


What is written above is for the payment of one year subscription. For 3 and 5 years subscriptions, and payment with Paypal, links to generate are very similar. Warning: in this cases, you will be automatically redirected to the Paypal website.

3 years + Paypal

Web address to generate:{your phone number}&cksum={the result of the algorithm}&sku=3

In this example:

5 years + Paypal

Web address to generate:{your phone number}&cksum={the result of the algorithm}&sku=5

In this example:


Ulil ha dicho que…
thanks.. it works!!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Very useful. It really works. Thanks.